Since the end of the 19th century, the history of electricity and the history of trains have run parallel. Electricity is a fundamental resourcein the development of modern society that we often take for granted. However, the correct obtaining and transformation of this energy depends on whether we have electricity in our homes or the operation of one of the most used means of transport for passengers and goods, such as the railroad.

We could say that the first electric train was the one designed by Werner Von Siemens in 1879 in Berlin. In Spain, the first electrified line is considered to be the Gergal- Santa Fe (Almería) section, which was inaugurated in 1911.

Electrical circuit of the trains

The electrical circuit is responsible for supplying power to the trains. It consists of a series of installations that are in charge of adapting the electricity and the correct operation of the motors, in addition to ensuring that electricity reaches the train from the installations along its entire length.

Trains demand a high power of electricity, we are talking about voltages ranging from 1500 to 3000 Vdc. Originally, the trains had their own power plants, but this was expensive and impractical once power plants began to operate close to urban centers. Even so, it is necessary to convert the high voltage energy with the one that needs to be injected to the catenary, for this purpose there are the substations.

There are two ways for trains to capture electricity, through an electrified third rail, a system used in Germany and other parts of the world. Or through an overhead contact line, called catenary, the system used in Spain. The train or tramway accesses electricity through the friction of the trolley or pantograph located in the power car. Catenaries can be powered with both direct and alternating current.

Train motors are in charge of converting electrical energy into mechanical traction, which is, after all, what produces the movement of the railroad. The motors and the equipment that make their operation possible are installed in the power car.

Finally, the return circuit is the one that facilitates the return of the energy used by the motors back to the substation.

Safety systems

Of course, the circuit is equipped with a series of safety systems that cut off the electricity supply if any anomaly is detected. The main safety systems are located in the substations, which automatically check for problems up to three times. If confirmed, power is suspended until the maintenance team fixes the error.

Extra-fast circuit breakers are the safety system installed on the train itself. In this case, it is up to the driver to reset them if they jump. Of course, lightning conductors are installed along the substations and the catenary.

At Delinte we are specialists in the installation of metallic electrical cabinets and racks for train control. They are installed inside and comply with the UNE-15085-CL2 standard in which Delinte is certified for aluminum, stainless steel and carbon steel constructions. To contact us simply call 916 77 03 64 or fill out the form on our website and we will contact you to inform you and provide you with a quote according to your needs.